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Seasonal skin care routine - it's time for a change.

So those dark & cold, rainy days seem to be behind us for the year, (hopefully we haven’t spoke too soon!) replaced with glorious and bright sunshine in the sky. The days are getting longer & warmer and with the seasonal change up, it’s time to start thinking about adapting your skin & hair care routine.

First and foremost, it goes without saying that the most important adaptation to your summer skin care routine is adding a high factor 50 sun screen.

During a hot day, your skins Vitamin E levels can reduce by 50%. Vitamin E is essential to the maintenance of your complexion and helps to heal and moisturise the skin. Its healing factors are important to minimise damage after UV exposure, whilst its moisturising properties are important to keep our skin hydrated- much like increasing our intake of water when it’s hot. Introducing a rich Vitamin E skin care routine in the summer months is therefore, naturally a no-brainer.

Jojoba oil is a natural, high source of vitamin E as well as being an anti-oxidant. Chalmers Dale Jojoba Oil can be used as a versatile part of your skin routine. In the mornings, use it as a cleanser with a hot cloth. In the evenings, use it as a makeup remover. Visit our previous blog post ‘Jojoba, the perfect make up remover.’

The second part to your morning & evening skin care routine is a moisturiser. It’s always a good idea to invest in an ‘anti-ageing’ cream, particularly during the summer. When our skin is exposed to UV rays, it will deepen the appearance of wrinkles. With all the benefits of Jojoba Oil and Vitamin E, we recommend using our Jojoba oil anti-ageing cream.

Our hair is no exception to sun damage. UV rays can damage the cuticles and cause your hair to look dry, frizzy and discoloured. Unlike our skin however, there isn’t a cosmetic product to protect against the sun and we tend to neglect seasonal needs in our hair care routines. It’s not just sun damage we expose our hair to in the summer months. Chlorine from swimming pools, salt from the sea water and even the use of air conditioning are contributing factors to drying out our hair.

Here at Chalmers Dale, we use a product called Propolis. Bees use this natural extract in their hives and it comes from the buds of Poplar. Propolis has some great benefits to our health and you can find out more on our previous blog post, ‘11 amazing health benefits of Bee Propolis.’

In terms of hair care, introduce our Propolis & Roya Jelly Shampoo & Conditioner that creates a natural coating to protect each strand of hair. Not only does it protect each strand of hair, but it actively promotes hair regeneration and regrowth.

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